Jam Session Show i Japan

21. marts i år var der Jam Session Show på den japanske baghave-mega. Se billederne, nyd videoen, læs interviewet og oplev overraskelsen.


Billeder leveret af Gen Ogawa

Mega Roll in

Det er Gen Ogawa, der bliver interviewet i det følgende. Han figurerede på et billede i den oprindelige mega-artikel, hvor han var involveret i de kryptiske udmeldinger om Krings verdensberømthed. 


Do you ride the Kazunaris Mega often?
1 or 2 times a year I skate Kazunaris Mega.
Total less than 10 days a year.

What do you think about the ramp?
It´s narrow. I am scared, but so fun.

What is the best trick you have done on it?
Just normal air


Mini i Japan

Can you explain the feeling of riding it?
Feeling so fun! But first time is always scary.
Have you tried any other Megas?

Not yet, But I went to Bob Burnquist´s back yard Mega. Just watched it.
So you held a contest on Kazunaris Mega this year?
March 21 , 2009, 25 peoples registered, only 5 people can skate full Mega .
Who won and with which trick?
it was not contest, just show event.


Mega air i japan
 I saw a roller skater in the event video. Did you know that European and American skaters hate roller skaters?
I knew it. But it was just show event. Jam session show

 I understand that you know Thomas Kring and that you have been to Denmark once?

Yes, I went to Denmark once with skateboarder Jocke Olson.

Do you remember any strange things about the Danish culture?
I was surprised day time is so long.


Is Thomas Kring world famous?
I am not sure. I don't think he is famous in Japan, but some Japanese vert skateboarders know him, because he came to Asian X games in Malaysia.

Kazunari talked about some kind of Japanese Mega Ramp cult, how is the cult faring these days?
This is [Team Mega Ramp Japan]. We want to join for Big Air contest in USA X-Games event some day. 


Mega Japan quarter roll-in
Who is you favorite mega ramp skater.
Bob Burnquist and Danny Way.
Anything else?
Trevor Ward makes a private Mega Ramp in Australia. You should check it.


Video fra Jam Session Show:

Farlig platform Japan


Japan quarter air


Skate rutchebane 1


Skate Rutchebane2